Wednesday, March 20, 2013

ASP.Net (Telerik Controls) page buttons do not respond.

I had the following page:
The controls in green worked fine and responded to the Calendar event and the Time event, but the buttons in read never went to the code behind.

Looking at the debug information on the Console in Chrome I would get an error with "INVALID JSON PRIMITIVE". Looking on the web gave me no answer.

I moved the End Date with the Start Date controls and the End Date started working, but the Start Date would stop. So it was positional.

After much time wasted I found the following line of XMAL in the aspx page that was enclosing all the controls:

<telerik:RadPanelBar runat="server" ID="RadPanelBar1" Width="851px" Skin="Office2007" ClientIDMode="Static" OnClientItemCollapse="PanelCollapse" OnClientItemExpand="PanelExpand">
   <!-- My controls were all in here -->

Finally after going back and forth between another page that worked God blessed me with the answer. The ClientIDMode="Static" was the problem.

The root cause was that all my controls ended up having the same ID, so it could not differentiate between the controls and only the first control in the list would work.

That was 1 day worth of working trying to debug this.

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